This was not his first time in one either. When is it ever? a familiar voice called out. ordered Sergeant Rock. "What country are you from? He walked forward, a part of him wishing Superman was here. Tim had proven why he is such a wonderful son when he printed and gave him a framed photo of Vicki's expression when Bruce, tired and running on coffee after just helped saving the world, hadn't been in the mood to deal with Vicki and her attempts at trying to prove he is Batman answered why he always seems to be off on one of his many trips when Batman was off saving the day. "Don't thank us, said the leader. For all that Superman believed in trying his best to save every single life, during war . Not right now. "Got to warn the good guys!" Enter the Villains The very proof of it was in this room, with technology decades and decades ahead of its time. Credit to Analise0626 for the idea. "Hawka!" 120 guests For the sake of everything, there was no way was he going to give his enemy even an inch of a chance of surviving. So were just soldiers to you? demanded Hawkgirl. Straining a little, Wonder Woman ripped off a steering flap, sending the transport out of control as it pulled aside, crashing into another which could not dodge in time. The Savage Time "Because I don't want to hear all about my life ex not when it is so close to what would have been our anniversary.. Which while something Green Lantern fully endorsed, also meant they had to make do without her support as well. However they also said it was unstable. Its from the future, cut in a familiar and welcome voice, as Martian Manhunter landed beside them. A Young Justice and Dick Grayson fanfic. Good thing too, as Jonn had barely had time to yell what that scary looking portal would do before they were all throwing themselves into it. He noted the lead pilot snapping Hawkgirl a salute. Ill be okay! he said back, and hefted up to her the soldier he was carrying. "Oh, yes", Tim's eyes glinted maniacally, "I've been itching to give Damian a real-world example of malicious compliance. We did it!. Aboard the jet, John burst through a crawlspace to find himself alone in a spacious room with what looked to be a lot of important machinery. A whole week out of work? Carrying two injured men, Hawkgirl soared to get a better angle to try and find Green Lantern, and saw him carrying a third. When he seized his foothold in America, crippling the new world, they would never be able to stop what he had begun. Ma. Leaving the others behind to finish getting up, he dashed up some rubble to where the roof was torn off to get a view from the second-story. - @lilboyblu . Ive met him a couple of times now, hes a good kid, Barry replied. Dimly he processed how even the others who had been with their teammate were also shocked. ", Too bad! Regardless, it was clear that they came from some place where the rules as Superman knew them were completely different. Further thoughts on an unsettling topic were interrupted by something even more unpleasant. Once their sense of horror and despair reached the boiling point, stirred on by his agents, he would unleash a crippling blow to them for good. Wildman! yelled Sergeant Rock, running to help, while John spotted the enemy sniper up in the trees on their flank. War is war, hell is hell, and of the two, war is a lot worse.". ", "Not anymore," said John, holding it up so they could all get a better look at it. Weve got company!. said Andr, holding up a fist. felt like magic. Doubtless here to lead whatever invasion he had planned, with nearly everybody else now already aboard. They climbed down, while a groaning Bulldozer sat up. Do crocodiles really live in Gotham's sewers? A German himself, he opposed the tyranny of his homeland, fighting against them with everything he had. . Face hardening, Savage stood up and said, Very well. To say nothing of how the reflection of the mans face as he regarded the former Fuhrer was distinctly inhuman? "You're not going to believe what we've been through," said Hawkgirl. And you just left him! If this was the end, Green Lantern was going to go out swinging. Teri finds herself in the DC Universe and things just get crazier from there. Green Lantern just shook his head in amusement. "Keep those brain buckets down!" Yes, this was the sort of man to think he could rule the world. Everyone left behind was hunkering down, savouring the breather. For one, he greatly resembled the posters of the Fuhrer Savage in the future, who the . . Something shifted in the air, and he retreated into the shadows. There was something in her eyes which concerned him as she looked back at the Dark Knight. Completed justiceleague superman shazam +8 more # 15 Wayne's Angel by Sasha Tuggle 226K 5.6K 27 Thankfully she would be able to justify her choices to the others by pointing out that if Zoro was able to shrug off hits from Superman, it was unlikely the Nazis had anything lying around which would actually kill him. Although now he could understand from personal experience why they said 'War is hell.'. The scream which tore from Martian Manhunters throat was real, as agony beyond his expectations crackled throughout his form. Like a black hole. It's a new day. Over the last few years I've come to realize that World War Two was the last, best opportunity for me to assume full and permanent power.". Four years later Robin rescues the ghost boy Lila has kept her Promise. Like this.". At a guess, they had been intended to guard the complex while it was being prepared, and now their operators were all loaded aboard the super-jets themselves. The guards held their position and opened fire, but Savage raced aboard, and the hatch locked shut. The young heroes rushed ahead, chatting amongst themselves. We would have shot those planes down anyway. No time to call for backup, said Sergeant Rock. consequences. We lost, No, hes here! He pulled out of her grip, and looked down at one of the last remaining vessels, headed towards a cold, dark grave. Until recently, that is. Back to a console, he struggled with the arm of the Fuhrers weapon with one hand. I care!, "What're you talking about!? pseudonomicon, honeydatme2, Theresa_Bane, GreenWitch0691, lisfoxs, RimuruSama, Papaya__a, Black_tengu, MGLOO, Alaskabarrusco, brightgreeneyess, RatCrack, sadfangirl_with_nolife, bbangtan, PebbleStoneBroken, Sanjuno, nicolegmr, Oosbeck, Salty_Cookie, yayayayayafrc, keepmelukewarm, Djangopups, Puppens101, SkatingJellyfish, WenaAml1288, Blue_Stormrider, jamourlecamembert, Natuz, reachingforthestardust, talesoflore, Estela0107, Yukijiji, S_C_G, idesignz99, Macire, Yuueisabel, ellieontheplanes, eurasia, WiseOwl007, Kohumi, unknown_000, Tcraq, minimonitt, sleepingelle, Wildcat225, Juvel, Lilacs_and_the_sea, ineedabettername, Xenzi, Drulove, and 5352 more users However brief, their fight with the two members of the Straw Hats had not been pleasant, and no one was unscathed. That actually made her give a quick chuckle. I saw him in action while I was out on recon. He walked up. Vandal Savage disappeared beneath the waves aboard his metal deathtrap, and sank without a trace. The others stared in stunned horror as Hoffman screamed in agony, before collapsing unconscious onto the war table. Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. "The name's John Stewart. Unity . Prying another junction box off a wall, John heard someone shouting in German, and turned to see two armed guards heading for him. Honestly, Vandal would have properly dealt with the man long ago, if not for the mans own connections and supporters, the political necessity of keeping at least one of the old Fuhrers people around (even if Hoffman had not been the firmest of fans), and the fact the man was actually very good at his job. As much as he desired to be present for the start of Endgame, success was more important. They had everything prepared before the Straw Hats arrived, and had to use it despite the worsening situation. Definitely less than the others. There was a buzz of energy in the Watchtower, and it wasnt just from the Flash. Wouldnt dream of it. The man sped off to the cafeteria. And the greatest weapon he could bring to bear was one the Nazis had already demonstrated considerable concern for: his still razor-sharp mind, as he worked to break their secrets. Agent Grays family decided they need to visit his workplace, chaos ensues! Hmm, and from what he knew of that golden armour, enchanted by Merlin himself, then magical attacks should not have beaten it so easily. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men or women to do nothing. Beardy was actually Wildman, and for reasons John did not want to know, the last and youngest was named Ice Cream Soldier. Meanwhile Superman and Hawkgirl tag-teamed another, as he took out the turrets and she safely made the blows. Back still turned to the man, Vandal raised one hand as he lectured, "You have a short memory, Hoffman." Before Wonder Woman could reply, she heard the zeta tube start up. And even now they were taking the occasional hits from those super-tanks. Rated: Fiction M - English - Friendship/Humor - Bruce W./Batman, Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman - Chapters: 51 - Words: 224,835 - Reviews: 578 - Favs: 553 - Follows: 500 - Updated: 1h . Great Jumpin Hera!. Dover? Next Black Canary and Green Arrow arrived with Artemis and Arsenal. Word To: Harry is written on the top. Only to then hear the most beautiful thing in the world. Overhead Superman carried a truck laden with supplies which had been left behind, with people running up to unload it. Shes homeless (squatting in abandoned warehouses is apparently not an acceptable housing plan). With that in mind, I would love to know what you think! Dozens of them. Throwing in some what if scenarios too, so we can prepare for circumstances such as this. 'Dozer and Ice Cream, hit 'em from the side, I'll stay in the middle. Injustice for All Part 1 Although you really might have trouble taking us seriously., Oh, commented Superman, and there was something in his voice Batman could not place, I dont think that will be a problem.. It was a firefight in a bombed out city between two armies, and he would swear it was between the Nazis and the old American army. Especially since they had been dumped into the past by a machine which had not even been invented yet, right? One on his left side, just by the seventh rib, and another on his right bicep. Send out the signal immediately! "Best story on wattpad by far!" More guests to Welcome! . nightmaster000, Esverdad00, Sunshirou, Aravis39, HapaLander, HeroOfTime4298, coolkkat, AkumaNeka, Mai_lin, JackTradesOFAJK45, sol_demjin, Rahhpixy, Xanaelle, Breezzee, PandaQueen818283, Mary1827, toughkookeh, shansome, MissNoir11, Skydancer_Ehn, SSS4, Alitaher003, Random_Bear, Mr_Dogt00th_Freak, CALlC0, DenTist, Iwishforacreativename, Finickykitty33, Thbo, RaylaNevermore, Med14, Freyija, OnceUponAWintersDream, StrawHatCat, Juicedrelic2860, Chikibryak, StellarSpirit, Bkaa30, JadeDragon2000, rudyseed, The_Overlord_9696, Grogery_Gore12400, lefantome, NoraEcho, cutekittygrowl, Duck_Gogol, PippinSqueaks, Vapor_Junkie, Madelline03, Mesonoxian, and 150 more users Can you use their communicator to send a warning?, Im not sure the signal is strong enough!, Weve got to alert the Allies, keep trying., "It's not too late," said Wonder Woman decisively. Even if in the water, there was a chance some of the thousands of troops aboard each of them might survive. Injustice for All Part 3 "Heavy matter, explained Jonn. If it was so hard in the Second World War, how could they possibly do it during the present day?This has consequences down the line. "What do we need you for anyway? . When she re-entered the hall, she paused in surprise when she saw who it was. "Ah, sorry, it's just that . Especially with the risk of the Straw Hats?, At a guess, the alien speculated, the heavy matter was too hazardous for Savage to contain indefinitely. Some choice," he said sadly and guiltily as he looked away, and she herself found the ground better to stare at. He had to raise his voice to be heard over the constant explosions. For all that they were saving, it remained an unmitigated disaster. Summary: The Justice league wonder why Batman is always in a hurry to leave the watch tower, to they place a Martian mind trick on Batman before he leaves that shows them what he sees as a sort of projector, they use it to see what Batman gets up to in Gotham and at Home. From what I overheard the scientists say, we only have forty-eight hours until the portal collapses, and lose any chance to change things. 10. It was a slaughter as the Kryptonian just hovered there, invulnerable, while again and again his eyes flashed red to down a plane. ", "Used to pitch in the bush leagues. Jonns the best for scouting, so him going to Berlin for answers made perfect sense, except hes also the best for taking down these tanks! He almost regretted the necessity of killing them to guarantee the latter. Wonder Woman, who loved children immensely, made sure she was there to greet everyone who arrived. Hawkgirl glanced away in dismay and a touch of irritation at his blindness. No, but I do know that he annoyed his best friend so much about it that he refused to talk to Kid anymore., Diana laughed. Although maybe I can finally indulge in a warning, now that we are this close to the endgame. as well as If she had time, she might try and see if she could adjust it so it rested over her shoulder, leaving her hands free. Its a warning, stated Martian Manhunter. Especially because for the life of him, he had no idea how the Pirate Swordsman had done this. With a touch of will he slipped through the manacles, and confronted his tormenter. Or was it calculated like so much else of the mans theatrics? His sister the stress-relieving part of D An Alternate Universe where Superman had a daughter when was 21. As mouthy as he was, and constantly trying to undermine his leaders position, he remained loyal to the whole cult of assumed superiority infesting this place. Now his enemies were fleeing for their lives, and would retreat back to Britain to stew in their failure. After finding out that Bruce and the Justice League had played Among Us in the Watchtower, while actually in space, the Batfamily bully Bruce into letting them play the game themselves. Especially if they could call in the Luftwaffe to strafe and bomb the beach. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. The best the big boy-scout had managed was to physically slow it down, while Jonn shifted his density to fly inside and pull out important looking things until it stopped moving. Hence why they remained. Truthfully though, there had not been too much for him to do there. It was safe to do so here, on Blackhawk Island, the home base of their new allies. Meanwhile, despite what he had asserted to the various generals, he knew there had to be more going on here. Just so he could have the pleasure of staring up at the Fuhrers face, kneeling down before him with piercing, dangerous eyes. "Batman, it's really you!". With almost physical exertion, she pushed that thought aside, and turned her attention to finally properly inspecting her new weapon. It was almost gratitude he felt for Bulldozer interrupting that line of thought with, "Yer so smart, why don't ya go find a runway with yer magic ring? None of them mentioned how even if they succeeded, they would surely die. For all the harm they had done, they had also been the ones to help open her eyes to how things in Mans World were not as black and white as she would like to believe. No. Well I guess hes not really a kid, though. Now she is a teenager who always wanted a brother, and won't let superman ignore superboy after hearing Tsunade gets reincarnated in the Young Justice universe. Or, Bruce attempts to show Damian and Tim what a functional sibling team looks like during missions. Thankfully Hawkgirl grabbed him in her arms, and started to carry them aloft while he recovered. Follow new vigilante Bluejay as she navigates, dating one of the most well-known men in Gotham, tries to find her place in the city's nightlife, and solves the mystery of who is targeting the vigilantes tasked with keeping the city safe. Maybe force them to land? Ah, good, finally he spoke. "The description of your friends did not match those ten, but how many did you bring with you? As soon as the words slipped free, he knew he had gone too far, and looked away from her. You know, if I wanted to do a true AU with this chapter, I could have had Jonn stick around long enough to handle the War Wheels. Batman - All Media Types Justice League - All Media Types Characters: Bruce Wayne Dick Grayson Jason Todd Cassandra Cain Tim Drake Stephanie Brown Duke Thomas Damian Wayne Diana (Wonder Woman) Clark Kent J'onn J'onzz Barry Allen Arthur Curry Hal Jordan Dinah Lance Oliver Queen Wally West Artemis Crock Roy Harper Kaldur'ahm Donna Troy On this beach at least. "We Blackhawks bow to no authority until our homelands are free again. Hes no spy. is if fake dating if you are dating your hero self? Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Clark K./Kal-El/Superman, Bruce W./Batman, Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman, Wally W./Flash - Chapters: 7 - Words: 14,903 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 87 - Follows . For now though, they were preparing to destroy a factory complex which was heavily defended against aerial bombing. Another moment, and the bully was the one secured in to his own torture stand, and the hero was free to examine the laptop to his hearts content. General Hoffman. He had sharp, handsome features, and a naturally commanding presence. How could this have happened! he said loudly to the navy admiral standing beside him. A shudder went through the jets, and he could feel the sensation of them accelerating rapidly. Ive got a plane to catch!. Is Shining Knight still with us? blurted out Flash. It was now time to destroy the factory, with the three available members of the Justice League going first to take out the defending anti-aircraft guns. Fury 4. And now that I think about it, he hasnt once said a word about us bringing the kids here, leading me to believe that no one told him about it.. "But today it is the most powerful weapon on Earth.". Jonn Jonnz, the Martian Manhunter, had been through many strange situations in his life, but this adventure continued to surprise him. Hawkmoth is defeated. Some kind of secret weapon? accused Bulldozer. Too flashy with their blue coats and hats, and the large hawk-insignia their leader proudly displayed. . . Savage had definitely been intending to show the laptop from the start. There in that harsher world, Zoro discovered Conqueror's Haki, and to fight the cream of Savage's forces, had to push past his previous limits. Third, The screen was switched off. "I have finally found a way to open a door into the past. Lets just get ourselves settled down to tell Batman and Shining Knight all about it first.. However she trusted her superiors to treat such knowledge with the care it deserved. Diana thought as she returned to the cafeteria. Alfred would tell him that he only had himself to blame and he would be right, but at the time it had seemed like a good idea and it had gotten Vicki Vale off his back. A constant reminder of that battle, and he really was not sure how he felt about it. Even the Injustice League had already been coming apart at the seams before he and his teammates had busted in on them. Shoulda, coulda, woulda- having an opportunity and not taking it, thus regretting it later. John Stewart was ex-military, and knew that was impossible. It felt more like the angle and his point of view of the man was triggering a sense of dj vu that he could not shake. Well have to move up the invasion! And we couldve still done better. We had no choice! said Hawkgirl, not unkindly. They had the resources and a plan for a daring strike back at the Axis Forces, which would hopefully stall their advances until the rest of the Justice League regrouped. Diana couldnt help but chuckle when she saw the Flashs nephew speed ahead of everyone, only to turn back around when he noticed he left everyone behind. I will go inform him now, since you didnt care to.. He should have walked away, should have gone to the leaky cauldron, rented a room, slept, and owled his friends. They should have had no warning at this distance, had no reason to look up with all this cloud cover at night, and according to his latest reports were not even supposed to be on this course! bruce is sleep deprived and dick and alfred just want him to SLEEP. Not only of comparisons to her peoples own war with the Gordanians, but also . Suddenly more planes began exploding as friendly reinforcements arrived. The ones still being produced were likely spares, or of course to make more planes. Ben 10 the Justice Leaguer by Triceratops 278K 6.1K 46 Ben tennyson, saviour of the universe billions of times, stopped the universe from getting destroyed, and stabbed Vilgax with a sword carried by an old man who died. Her response was silent agreement as she accelerated into the fray. Clearly it was important to the Nazis, and yet they had taken the risk of building it here in France and so close to the coast and the threat of Allied aircraft that it implied for some reason they considered it necessary for it to be built there, even while aware of all the dangers. Even as he said it though, despite the distance, Johns sharp sniper eyes noted there was something strangely familiar about this Fuhrer Savage the others had told him about. He glared icily at the accusation, and at the words impossible for this man to know. . At best guess there was an Allied counter-attack happening elsewhere they had been recalled for, or maybe to refuel, with these retreating soldiers being deemed a lesser priority. Theyre turning back! cheered Flash, watching the last surviving two jets breaking off back east. cover by @_ {Book 1 in The Demon Twins Series} "But this technology's way too advanced," she said. Maybe we can string some mines across the tarmac, offered Wildman. An explosion made him glance back, and it seemed Wildman had come up with a better idea than mines, by getting into one of the tanks to fire at the wheels of one of the jets. For a battle cry, Superman made it nice and simple. An explosion answered her, as three more of the super-tanks appeared, firing their artillery. . Whatever he is, said another, with a big, red beard, he doesnt look German., Dont let that fool you, said the first speaker. But that was impossible. "You've obviously forgotten about the weapons I've already created. The prisoner hesitated fractionally before the conviction of a superior man, only to then give a slight grin of his own, and fired. said Flash. Why did the regime even build the time machine like that if it was so unstable? Running to a motorcycle from the escort, John got it going, and raced to keep up with the lead jet. He had escaped with one of the Nazis encrypted communicators, which would allow them to listen in to their most secure messages. "Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," the parisian whined in a high pitched distraught. 6. J'onn and John had fought in them, as had Superman to some extent, Diana had trained for it, and even Shayera apparently came from a warlike place. So he took a moment to grasp his temper. Hes crazy, Sarge! he heard Bulldozer say. I wonder . Even if they were quickly fading. That they would acknowledge her experiences as a cautionary tale of the dangers of using it, even against the Gordanians. Justice League | Adventure Fanfiction Romance Batman,superman and other members had announced a new superhero has joined the team. Now, you might imagine that after correcting history just right so there would be no temporal paradoxes, getting back home to their proper timeline would be a major challenge for the Justice League. Next thing she knows, a miracle happens! No. The grenade went off, but thankfully it rolled far enough away to be safe. ", "We're not from any one country. Different circumstances and choices. I . The Heroes Carrying it was a little awkward, but she made due for now. Until he figured by now Savage was far enough away. And right now his primary 'problem' was that they were about to blow up a factory full of workers. Rolling aside and using the momentum of their crash, he let Savage fall forward where Green Lantern had just been. Without looking away from them, she said Great, even as she hefted her grenade launcher at an officer. very clever. No, it did not matter. Parrying bullets with the shaft of her mace, she spun to the side and came up to knock the tail off of one plane. Begin Operation: Endgame!, Vandal had killed people for lesser insolence. Take off!. Still, best to let them think he was worse off than he was. Silence was the only answer John would give. "What've we here?" "Are these guys for real?" Even the wars he had helped the Justice League with on other planets had been solved without anybody dying once they had arrived to help settle things. She didnt enjoy getting punched in her last life and that hasnt changed in this one either. On hiatus until the summer. The shock of it stunned him enough to make him fall, only to wake up a few seconds later. What if these super-men are real? Each plane landed in perfect formation, and she was sure that many modern pilots with their fancier planes would struggle to do so well. . She was done with the mythical world, all she wanted was peace. A quiet part of her, from the former Thanagarian Military Academy instructor on espionage, wondered when a part of her started to consider Earth to be that instead of Thanagar. But not at Vandal. Not just for all the usual practical reasons to help maintain his authority, or to avoid any nuisances he could not justify killing yet, but to also slip away and privately check on any concerns whenever necessary. even her parents. New patients kept being brought in. Proof that the remaining 10% is both vengeance and the night here. One passed Hawkgirl a sandbag as part of a chain of men, and she placed it on the improvised barricade. Well, you get the idea, he continued to smile. Starting with how it was only the six of them here, and no one else from the future. Lets move into the cafeteria, Diana suggested. Yer a big man when your Ring's working, but without it yer just AHH!". Three anti-aircraft guns would prove little problem for the likes of Superman. ), it really, really, reaaaally was his problem. Youre upset about Batman, arent you?, Yes. Rated: Fiction . With no due dates and assignments and coffee fueled mornings? The whole thing was impervious to even Superman, including the transparent bubbles the gunners sat in. "In this family, we're in denial about many things simultaneously", Steph proclaims wisely, "this is pretty standard for us", "Everyone, stop giving Tim a hard time", Bruce orders, "it's up to him whether or not he acknowledges it. left kudos on this work! Patunia had found a diary of Lilly's that said harry wasn't James's but the son Hiya! Glancing up, he saw Hawkgirl coming down laden with three more wounded, and helped ease one to the ground. His ruminations were interrupted, and he snapped back to the present. . He looked over his shoulder to draw attention away from how he was now reaching into his uniform. If they didnt immediately attack him though, then theres a good chance they let him at least explain himself. Unfortunately his happy thoughts were interrupted as someone ran into the war room. Yes, those people were building stuff for the Nazis, and apparently important stuff, yet that did not mean they deserved to die. Now keep moving before we lose anyone else.. Gothams grand hall was crowded to the bone with the rich. Face immobile, Jonn considered the object with keen interest. Now the images were that of historical scenes from a future that will never be. Assuming they were able to get home of course. Green Lantern Jordan had jokingly suggested it after Superman had mentioned that many of the Leaguers had proteges and that he thought they would enjoy meeting each other. Frowning, the Fuhrer dashed forward, and melted the offending weapon in the grip of his metal glove, crackling with power.
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