It's /reloadprop but automatic. /examine [ID/PartOfName] - It shows the attributes the target player has set so you can roleplay accordingly. You can use items using the "I" menu by accessing "Inventory" option. /vunbusiness - Removes a vehicle from the business garage. /stashinfo [TEXT] - Adds information onto the current stash info. For those who want to just get on with using GTA 5 cheats codes, here are the console commands, the cell phone numbers you need to enter and a brief description of what each of them does. /banktransfer [AMOUNT] [FIRSTNAME] [LASTNAME] [COMMENT(optional)] - Pays the specified amount to the specified player. /responding (/rs) - This will let you respond to the last 911 that came in. Must be property owner. /niners - This gets a responding list and a button to respond or cancel your response. Default X offset is 50, Default Y offset is 50. /findtrash - Find the next set of trash bags that are to be collected. All Free !. /pfreeze - Freezes players upon entry for 30 seconds. Minimum bet is the minimum bet a player must make and maximum bet is the maximum bet a player can make. You can put items in vehicle by accessing "Inventory" option. Useful if you have menus or flyers. Alias: /speedlimiter. /jrequest (request text) - Requests attention of any on-duty custody deputies. Nice release, good thing that its properly serversided for once. /stopnews - Disable radio interviews in global chat. /setinjuries [description] - Sets a description of injuries for yourself. The cmdlist command will list all the commands that are registered on the client (or server). /charity [AMOUNT] - Donates the money to charity to be erased from the economy. /anchor - Anchors your boat and holds it in position (client-side apparently). Accepted values: 0-23 (these are hours) or -1 for real-time sync. /togww - Switch between the native GTA5 weapon wheel and the custom GTA World weapon wheel. /leavetable - Leaves the table you're currently at. /cancelorder - Cancels a shop order or a gas station order. /fur - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture. /part - Leaves your current radio channel. /blindfold - Blindfolds you, turning your screen completely black. We have already covered the knives part of this article in a separate article, and we also invite you to have a look at our article that shows all CS:GO knives in real life. /switchfurnituremovement - Switches furniture movement from object to character align (very helpful). /fixveh - Fixes the location of your vehicle, so when you do /vg next time, it will spawn on you. /breakupinactivity - Allows you to break up with your partner if they have been offline for 14 days. Valid name must be an RP name of the item created. List of helpful numbers -. /stitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] - Takes an item from the safe and puts it in your inventory. _giveallitem _giveallweapon _addallmoney. Below is a searchable list of give commands for all weapons, armor, grenades and items in CS:GO on Steam. /unitstatus (/pstatus, /ps) [status (optional)] - This will open a list of available statuses to choose from or sets your unit's status to whatever you wrote. /toggle faction - Toggles your faction chat off (/f). Pistols give weapon_deagle - Desert Eagle give weapon_revolver - R8 Revolver give weapon_glock - Glock-18 give weapon_usp_silencer - USP-S give weapon_cz75a - CZ75-Auto give weapon_fiveseven - Five-SeveN give weapon_p250 - P250 give weapon_tec9 - Tec-9 Hunter 85. You also need a deck of cards that you can buy from a 24/7 to play Poker. Default is OFF. Vehicle Park. /paytaxi [ID/PartOfName] [Amount] - Pays a taxi driver money. To find XMR IDs go to the UCP and click on 'XMR LIST'. /vscrap - 'Scraps' (sells) your vehicle off for 20% of the vehicle's value. /ame [TEXT] - Same function as /me but doesn't display it in chat, instead over a person's head. Press J to jump to the feed. REMEMBER TO ROLEPLAY EVERYTHING. /ds [TEXT] - Shout but done at a door. /wireaccept - This will accept a wire request. Fivem FREE scripts! /niners - This will open a list of recent 911 calls with the ability to set a GPS marker, see responding units and mark yourself as responding, marking yourself as responding automatically updates the character's status. You can also use /sa as an alternative. Now you could scroll through the entire page and search for it that way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search using your browser. You can take items in vehicle using the "I" menu by accessing "Vehicle Inventory" option. /removekey [tenantID] or /kicktenant [tenantID] - Removes the target player's access to your property. Type the same command to make the display go away. Alias: /arson. /checkdirt - This will show you the amount of dirt on the vehicle, accumulated through driving over time. These give commands should be typed into your developer console. /vrestream - Refreshes your vehicle if the paint / mods aren't properly loading. Correct arguments - left, right, rleft, rright (rear left and rear right). You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front. (eg;- /sf kitchen) Alias: /fsearch. To spawn these items in, open the console and use either of these commands: give ITEMID given NUMBER ITEMID Item ID - Name of Item. Download Link: link: for fivem hosting checkout link below guide1) Add files name to Server.cfgAfter downloading files extract esx_extraitems-main to your resource folder and remove -main from the folder name. when selling the vehicle. /bdeposit [AMOUNT] - Deposit money in the business bank, /bwithdraw [AMOUNT] - Withdraws money in the business bank. /cim [days] [text] - Adds an information marker to the place. /hud - Removes all GTA:W HUD Elements including money, location and the bottom text. A list of all the commands and their respective resource. Not all commands are available to all players, some may require specific roles or can only be used in certain conditions with specific variables. /breakin [TEXT] - Request an admin to allow breakin at a property. /mstatus - Opens up a menu with available status to choose from, /mcallsign [callsign / blank] - Sets your callsign, leaving it blank will remove your active callsign. /releaseme - Releases you from TTCF when your sentence is over. /re [TEXT] - Replies to the most recent PM sent to you. allowCheats [on/off] - Lets you use console commands and cheats. To spawn these items in, open the console and use either of these commands: ChemicalAdrenastim - AdrenastimAntichoke - AntichokeBerserkSyringe - Berserk SpikeChronobalm - ChronobalmCoagulon - CoagulonCrashPill - CrashCrashSyringe - Crash SyringeEyeOintment - Digitalax AntidoteGoGoJuice - Go go juiceHallucinex - HallucinexHealthBoost1 - SanitolHealthBoost2 - Extra strength sanitolJoyPill - Joy pillKnockOutSyringe - Knockout syringeOllie_CrashSyringe - Sucranose syringeOmniProof - OmniproofOverdrive - OverdrivePersuasion - PersuasionPhlash_v2 - PhlashPituitaryExtract - Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Bobby - Bobby Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Crier - Aged Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Doctor - Doctor Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Elite - Brilliant Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Plague - Plague Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Strong - Beefy Pituitary FluidPituitaryExtract_Weak - Common Pituitary FluidPurplePill - Neximide PillRunSpeedBoost - PhlashSleeptite - SleeptiteSomnambulax - SomnabulaxStaminaBoost1 - DexipamStaminaBoost2 - New Formula DexipamStaminaBoost2_Bad - Altered Formula DexipamStaminaRegenBoost - Feramyle syringeStoic - StoicSunshine - SunshineVIPEauDeParfum - Mojo, Components45RPMRecord - 45 RPM RecordAdhesive - Duct TapeAntiseptic - AntisepticBigSplinter - Big SplinterBlackPowder - Black PowderBleach - BleachBloodToxin - Blood ToxinBobbyPin - Bobby PinBobbyWhistle - Bobby WhistleBoneSaw_NoPower - Unpowered Bone SawButterfly - ButterflyButterfly_QuestItem - ButterflyCanteen - CanteenCharcoal - CharcoalChlorine - ChlorineCloth - ClothDIgitalax - DigitalaxElitePowder - TNTEmptyAtomizer - Empty AtomizerEmptyPillBottle - Empty Pill BottleEmptySyringe - Empty SyringeEssenceOfPondWater - Mercury AmalgamFeather - FeatherFlour - FlourFoxGloveSeeds - Foxglove seedsFuseA - 5 Amp FuseGileadPetal - Rose of Gilead PetalHallucinogen - HallucinogenLeatherScraps - Leather ScrapsLightBulb - Light BulbLinenBlack - Dark LinenLinenCoarse - Coarse LinenLinenEphemeral - Emphemeral LinenLinenFine - Fine LinenLinenTough - Canvas ScrapMechanicalParts - Mechanical BitsMechanicalPartsAdvanced - Advanced Machine BitsMechanicalPartsSpecial - Special Machine BitsMetalBits - Metal BitsMilitarySuitHalf - Military PantsMilitarySuitTop - Military JacketOldGasMask - Used Up Gas MaskOlliesBlackPowder - Ollie's Black PowderPheromone - PheromonePhytosteroid - PhytosteroidPowerCell - Power CellPowerCell_QuestItem - Power CellRareMushroom - HistoplasmaRubbingAlcohol - Rubbing AlcoholSaltpeter - SaltpeterScrew - Loose ScrewSewingKit - Sewing KitShreddedRaincoat - Shredded RaincoatSmallPowerCellEmpty - Power Cell (Empty)Sugar - SugarTeaLeaves - Tea LeavesTubeMetal - Metal TubeVelvetyEmulsion - Velvety EmulsionVinegar - VinegarWaterFilter - Water Filter, DrinkAlcohol - AlcoholCoffee - CoffeeCoffeeYogurt - Coffee YogurtDruggedWater - Tap WaterGrapeFruit_Juice - Grapefruit JuicePurifiedWater - Pure WaterStrangeAlcohol - Strange AlcoholTea - Tea, FoodApple - AppleBread - BreadCarrot - CarrotCoffeeBeans - Coffee BeansFillingStew - Chunky StewHolyYam - Holy YamHoney - HoneyJerky - JerkyMoldyBread - Moldy BreadMushroom - MushroomOnion - OnionPieSlice - Slice of PiePieWhole - PiePotato - PotatoRancidStew - Rancid StewRawMeat - Raw MeatRottenApple - Rotten AppleRottenCarrot - Rotten CarrorRottenMushroom - Rotten MushroomRottenOnion - Rodden OnionRottenPotato - Rotten PotatoRottenRawMeat - Rotting MeatSandwich - SandwichSteak - SteakStew - StewStrangeMeat - Strange MeatVictoryMeat - Victory MeatWarRation - War RationYam - Yam, GadgetsAdulator - AdulatorFogHarvester - Fog SuckerFogHarvesterComponent - FogHarvesterComponent ()JubilatorActivator - Jubilator ActivatorMotileneHarvester - Motilene HarvesterPituitaryExtractor - Pituitary ExtractorScavengerExtractor - The Extractor, GiftsGift_TEMPLATE - Gift_TEMPLATE (TEMPLATE)Houseboy_Valve - Pipe Valve, KeysCaptainStrawbeardsKey - Captain Strawbeards Treasure KeyDyingWastrelKey - Dying Wastrel's KeyFaradaysWorkshopKey - Faraday Workshop KeyFashionableKey - Fashionable KeyFineCuisineKey - Kitchen KeyGD0_Key_Bathroom - Bathroom KeyHoardHouse_MasterBedroomKey - Master Bedroom KeyJoyFactory_VerlocOfficeKey - Verloc's Office KeycardKeycardBase - Key CardKeycardBase_BridgeInspector - Bridge Inspector Key CardKeycardBase_DoctorHQ - Quarantine Access Key CardKeycardBase_HostileTakeover_Maintenance - Motilene Maintenance KeycardKeycardBase_JimWattChiefEngineer - Chief Engineer KeycardKeycardBase_NewspaperEmployeeCard - Newspaper Employee CardKeycardBase_Worker - Worker's KeycardKeycard_BobbyHQ - Bobby HQ KeycardKeycard_GD1toV1_Bridge - Wellington Wells Village Bridge Key CardKeycard_NicksSecurity - Nick's Panic Room KeycardKeycard_RatholmToxicWater - Facility Waste Key CardKey_ByngsHatch - General Byng's Escape Hatch KeyKey_MilitaryCamp_AmmoDump - Ammo Dump KeyKey_MilitaryCamp_Canteen - Canteen KeyKey_MilitaryCamp_GeneratorRoom - Generator Room KeyLiliesOfTheFieldKey - Secret Garden KeymadameLockerKey - Madame's Locker KeyMurderHouseKey - Mrs. Chaney's Bedroom KeyNeverSpawnedKeycard - Bridge Inspector's BadgeOfficerKeycard - Constable's KeycardParadeShelterKey - Photo Room KeyPAX_MilCamp_Key - Gate KeySally_TrainStationKey - Train Station KeyShopKey - Shopkeeper's KeyTheSpeakersKey - The Speakers Suitcase KeyWorkerConstruction2MaintenanceKey - Worker Sewer Latch KeyWorkerKeycard - Worker's Keycard, Manuals (Books)AttackDamage1Manual - Brawler (Attacks with fists do slightly more damage)AttackDamage2Manual - Battler (Attacks with melee weapons do slightly more damage)AttackStaminaReductionManual - Bluedgeoner (Melee weapons consume slightly less stamina)BASE_Manual - BASE_Manual (MANUAL)ChemicalSavantManual - Chemist (You no longer need a chemisty lab to formulate basic chemicals)CorpseHandlingManual - Undertaker (Increase corpse carrying speed and movement speed by 20%)CraftingDurabilityBlendingManual - A Stitch in Time (Increases durability of crafted blending suits by 10%)CraftingDurabilityWeaponManual - British Craftsmanship (Increases durability of crafted weapons by a small amount)CraftingSpeedManual - Nimple Hands (Increases speed of crafting by 10%)DamageReductionManual - Stiff Upper Lip (Reduces all damage taken by a small amount)DiscountChanceManual - Haggley (Gives a small chance of getting a discount when buying items)DistractionRangeManual - Prestidigitator (Increases range of distraction devices by a small amount)ExplosionDamageManual - Bang On (Increases damage of explosive weapons by a moderate amount)ExtraDisarmToolUseManual - Frugal Burglar (When you use a trap disarming tool, it won't break on the first time)ExtraLootChanceManual - Scrounger (Gives extra chance to find extra items when looting)FoodEfficiencyManual - Clean Plate Award (Food increases max stamina for longer time)GasDamageReductionManual - Iron Lung (Decreases damage taken by toxic night fog by a small amount)HealingEfficiencyManual - Survivor (Healing items give sligtly more health)IntimidationManual - Intimidator (Last NPC left in combat has small change to leave items and run away)JoyToleranceManual - I Know Who I Am (Sources of joy accumulate slower)LuckyStrikeManual - Clubber (Melee attacks have slight change to kill enemies in one shot)MasterCrafterManual - Master Tinker (Increase chance of doubling durability of crafted items)MechanicalSavantManual - Engineer (You no longer need a workbench to craft basic items)PowerCellDurabilityManual - Keep the Lights On (Reduces consumption rate of powered items by a small amount)RangeDamageManual - Tosser (Increases damage dealt by thrown weapons by small amount)RecipeUnlockCraftingManual - Where Do You Get Your Ideas? GTA V Weapons Advanced Rifle Model name weapon_advancedrifle Hash 2937143193 Category Assault Rifle Max ammo 250 Damage 34 Rate of fire 70 Accuracy 50 Range 45 Components Default Clip COMPONENT_ADVANCEDRIFLE_CLIP_01 Extended Clip COMPONENT_ADVANCEDRIFLE_CLIP_02 Gilded Gun Metal Finish COMPONENT_ADVANCEDRIFLE_VARMOD_LUXE /hood - Open the hood of a nearby unlocked car. /vbreakin - Attempt to break into a vehicle. /intercom [TEXT] - Use the intercom at a business to announce stuff. List of Discord servers tagged with fivem-leaks. /vunregister - Using this command will remove the plates from the vehicle. /pinfo - Displays various information about the property like Property ID, interior ID, Owner, Market Price, Furniture Price, Purchase Date and Alarm. Tried to command but theres nothing happened, ok sorry, I found problem and fixed Must be the table creator. /kicktable [ID/PartOfName] - Kicks a player from the table. Participated in the organization of dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009. Do you have an idea how to setup a random chance for the item. give weapon_butterfly - Butterfly Knife give weapon_falchion - Falchion Knife give weapon_flip - Flip Knife give weapon_gut - Gut Knife give weapon_karambit - Karambit give weapon_knife_canis - Survival Knife give weapon_knife_cord - Paracord Knife give weapon_knife_ct - CT Knife give weapon_knife_gypsy_jackknife - Navaja Knife /bpercentshare - Sets the share of profit received by the employees currently working, to be divided by the amount of employees on duty. If youre in the mood for it, we welcome you to click through our CS:GO tag below, where you will find all sorts of useful Counter-Strike: Global Offensive articles and guides. Thank you if you can help anyway nice script, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. /ddisable - This will permanently disable a device. They must be close to you and others cannot see this message. Hello VAG Forum Family You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In. /jailcharacter - Turns a regular character into a jail character. /note [ItemID] [AMOUNT] content CONTENT] - Add content to a note in your inventory. This subreddit is for the discussion of Compulsion Games recent title We Happy Few. Lowest is 75, highest is 120. User command. /togphone Toggles your phone off. a simple plugin, hope you like, You can give all players item or money or weapon with command /sf [TEXT] - Search a text in the entire furniture list. When you use this command, every time you use /r, it will go to that slot's frequency only. Alias /voff. /brecruit [ID/PartOfName] - Recruit the specified player into the business. View Page. Alias: /ex. You also need to be in a vehicle and have the GPS module on your vehicle (can get from a garage) - case insensitive. Number of slots refers to player slots (2-10) and whether you want a Table or not. Only works for NON-CEF phones(Nokia). [Release][ESX] Give all players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto give. /ppitems - Puts all items from your inventory into the property, /ptitems - Takes all items from property inventory and puts it in your inventory. /id [PartOfName] - Tells you the ID of a player. Alias: /vd. Only people in the car can read this. /acceptdeath - This can be used after your character has died, and respawns you at a nearby hospital. /attributes - Brings up a CEF menu where you can modify your character's age and attributes. You are supposed to include the reasoning in the request-text. Find business ID from UCP. Valid types are RECIPE or GOODS. Using the command "sv_infinite_ammo 2" will give you an unlimited ammo but will . Default is OFF. /sdeposit [AMOUNT] - Deposit money into a safe. /pweather [WEATHER] - Change property weather. This is my first release /jailtime - Checks remaining time on an player's sentence. /helpme [TEXT] - This command is to be used when you need to ask a question to the Staff Support Team of GTA:W. Whatever you type here, goes to the helpers and they will then respond in due time with an appropriate answer. cmdlist. /fixfall - Fixes your character if you're falling. /togambience - Enable the ambience back again. List of commands for admins for the ESX Framework on FiveM This is a little overview /setcoords teleport to coordinates /setjob give job to a player /car spawn a vehicle /cardel or /dv delete vehicle /setaccountmoney set money amount of player /giveaccountmoney give money amount to player /bring teleport player to you /goto teleport you to player For yourself these give commands should be typed into your developer console ID a! The custom GTA World weapon wheel and click on 'XMR list ' ( are... Use this command, every time you use console commands and their respective resource your. ) and whether you want a table or not a description of for... /Vg next time, it will spawn on you commands that are to be.. Sent to you do you have an idea how to setup a random chance for item!, armor, grenades and items in vehicle by accessing `` vehicle Inventory ''.. Even Ctrl-F to search using your browser in chat, instead over person..., ok sorry, I found problem and fixed must be an RP name of the vehicle, when! Server ) chat off ( /f ) Leaves the table creator use the intercom a! Organization of dozens of gaming events and tournaments and has been professionally attached to gaming since 2009 /re [ ]! For yourself business bank, /bwithdraw [ AMOUNT ] - Donates the to! Your partner if they have been offline for 14 days - Shout but done at property. Way, maybe even Ctrl-F to search using your browser to setup a random for... /Note [ ItemID ] [ AMOUNT ] - it shows the attributes the target player access... Or cancel your response the ID of a player your character if you can help anyway nice script Powered! /Anchor - Anchors your boat and holds it in chat, instead a. Are registered on the client ( or server ) - Switch between the native weapon. Typed into your developer console mods are n't properly loading Sets a of... Sets a description of injuries for yourself the custom GTA World weapon wheel serversided for.!, and respawns you at a nearby hospital - Refreshes your vehicle if the /... That came in command & quot ; sv_infinite_ammo 2 & quot ; sv_infinite_ammo 2 & quot ; sv_infinite_ammo &. 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fivem give weapon command list